DBMS Notes
DBMS Notes Tutor: Aayush Soni Database Management System (DBMS Notes) is semester 5 subject of final year of computer engineering in Mumbai University. Prerequisite…
Computer Graphic Notes
Computer Graphic Notes Computer Graphics is semester 4 subject of final year of computer engineering in Mumbai University. Prerequisite: Knowledge of C Programming and…
Strength Of Material
Strength of Material Objectives of studying subject Strength of Material is to study different types of stresses, strain and deformation induced in the mechanical…
Thermodynamics Objectives of the subject Thermodynamics to familiarize the concepts of Energy in general and Heat and Work in particular. To study the fundamentals…
Material Technology
Material Technology Objectives of the subject Material Technology is to study basic engineering materials, their structure-property-performance. To study strengthening processes including heat treatment processes…
Microprocessor Microprocessor is semester 5 subject of final year of computer engineering in Mumbai University. Prerequisite for studying this subject are Digital Electronics and…
Engineering Chemistry AKTU
Engineering Chemistry AKTU Engineering Chemistry 1 is semester 1 subject of final year of computer engineering in Mumbai University. Objectives of the subject Engineering…
Engineering Maths 3 Notes
Engineering Maths 3 Notes Handmade Maths 3 Notes for Engineering This series is completely for beginners if you don’t know the basics its completely…