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What you’ll Learn:
Concepts and fundamentals of data communication and computer networks.
Explore the inter-working of various layers of OSI.
Issues and challenges of protocols design while delving into TCP/IP protocol suite.
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various routing algorithms.
Learning the OSI layers and their Layer Protocols.
This course provides the concepts of data communication at physical layer and compares ISO - OSI model with TCP/IP model. It provides the knowledge of networking protocols at data link layer. Learn the designing of the network using IP addressing and subnetting / supernetting schemes. Also, we will walk through various routing algorithms, their applications and other properties. Exploring the layer protocols lastly would be cherishing!
Join in to learn Computer Networks, equally important from the academic as well as real-world knowledge.
Modules Covered:
Introduction to Networking
Physical Layer
Data Link Layer
Network Layer
Transport Layer
Application Layer