Sem-7 Comps [ Mu ] [ Importance with Solution + Solution , Video Lectures + Viva Questions ]
Machine Learning [Module 1]:- Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine Learning [Module 2]:- Learning with Regression and Trees
Machine Learning [Module 3]:- Ensemble Learning
Machine Learning [Module 4]:- Learning with Classification
Machine Learning [Module 5]:- Learning with clustering
Machine Learning [Module 6]:- Dimensionality Reduction
Machine Learning [Module wise Imp Solution]
Big Data Analytics [Module 1]:- Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop
Big Data Analytics [Module 2]:- Hadoop HDFS and Map Reduce
Big Data Analytics [Module 3]:- NoSql
Big Data Analytics [Module 4]:- Mining Data Streams
Big Data Analytics [Module 5]:- Real Time Big Data Model
Big Data Analytics [Module 6]:- Data Analytics with R
Big Data Analytics [Module wise Notes]
Big Data Analytics [Module wise IMP Solution]
Natural Language Processing [Module 1]:- Introduction to NLP
Natural Language Processing [Module 2]:- Word Level Analysis
Natural Language Processing [Module 3]:- Syntax analysis
- POS Tagging
- Syntax Analysis
- Tag-set for English
- Rule Based POS
- Stochastic Part of Speech Tagging
- Transformation Based Tagging
- Multiple Tags ,Word and Unknown Words
- Basic Concept of Grammar and Parse Tree
- Parsing in NLP
- Hidden Markov Model Part 1
- Hidden Markov Model Part 2
- Viterbi Algorithm
- Syntax Analysis [Notes]
Natural Language Processing [Module 4]:- Semantic Analysis
Natural Language Processing [Module 5]:- Pragmatic & Discourse Processing
Natural Language Processing [Module wise Imp Solution]
Natural Language Processing [Viva Questions]