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[MU] Computer Engineering Semester-V

Software Engineering Importance Questions

Module1: Introduction To Software Engineering and Process Models

(Priority 1):

     1. What is Agile Methodology? Explain any 1 software model of agile methodology (You can explain XP, Scrum)
     2. What is Extreme Programing (XP)?
     3. Write a note on Scrum Model
     4. Explain Waterfall Model with pros & cons.

(Priority 2):

     5. Discuss RAD Model

Module 2: Software Requirements Analysis and Modeling

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain SRS Document with example. (learn one example like Online Students Registration System)
     2. Explain & Prepare a Data Flow Diagram for 'XYZ' system

(Priority 2):

     3. Requirement Modelling

Module 3: Software Estimation Metrics

(Priority 1):

     1. Short Notes Topics:
         a. LOC
          b. COCOMO /II

(Priority 2):

     2. Write short note on Function POint (FP)

Module 4:Software Design

(Priority 1):

     1. What is Cohesion & Coupling?
     2. Sofware Design Principles (any 6 points are enough)

Module 5:Software Testing

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain white-box testing and explain one of its techniques in detail.
     2. Explain black-box testing and explain one of its techniques in detail.

(Priority 2):

     3. Explain Unit Testing
     4. Write a short note on: Reverse Engineering

Module 6:Software Configuration Management, Quality Assurance and Maintenance

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain RMMM (Read out all process steps with examples)
     2. Write a note on FTR (Formal Technical Review)

(Priority 2):

     3. Version Control
     4. Software Configuration Management (SCM) basics

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