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Kautilya Institute of Technology and Engineering[RTU]

Kautilya Institute of  Engineering and Technology [RTU]

Jaipur, Rajasthan

Kautilya Institute of Engineering and Technology Jaipur was established in the year 2002 and within this short period has transformed itself into one of the premier institute for engineering and technological studies in Rajasthan. The college has been started with the solemn objectives of catering to the educational needs of large number of fresh Indian boys & girls, non-resident Indians and foreigners residing in India etc.

Entrance Exam: REAP

Total Fee:- ₹ 3.15 L



Qualification Minimum Eligibility
12th 45%


B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech. in Civil Engineering
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

Recruiting Companies

Allerin Technologies | | ARN Infotel | Arvind Brands | Bosch Ltd | CapGemini | Collabera | Good Through Software Solutions | Grampower | HCL | IBM | Magnus | MU Sigma | Obo Bettermann | Polycab Wires | PRS | quad lab | Sanmar | TEGA INDUSTRIES | VDART | Zycus

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