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[MU] Computer Engineering Semester-VII

Mobile Communications And Computing Importance Questions

Module1: Introduction to Mobile Computing

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain Multiplexing & it's types.
     2. Briefly explain DSSS & FHSS

(Priority 2):

     3. Types of Antennas

Module 2: Mobile services

(Priority 1):

    1. Explain GSM Architecture
    2. Define Handover and it's types
    3. GSM security protocols (A3,A5 & A8)
    4. 3G architecture. Explain UMTS in detail

(Priority 2):

     5. Briefly explain GPRS protocol

Module 3: Mobile Networking

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain Medium Access Protocol
     2. Agent Advertisement and Discovery techniques
     3. Tunneling and Encapsulation

(Priority 2):

     4. Multiple Access Techniques (MACA)

Module 4: Wireless Local Area Networks

(Priority 1):

     1. IEEE 802.11 System architecture
    2. Notes On:
     a. WEP
     b. WPA
    3. Bluetooth architecture / protcol stack

(Priority 2):

     4. HiperLAN 1 v/s HiperLAN 2

Module 5: Mobility Management

(Priority 1):

     1. Explain Macro Mobility ( MIPv6)
     2. Explain Micro Mobility: (CellularIP, HAWAII)

Module 6: Long-Term Evolution (LTE)

(Priority 1):

     1. List out LTE/SAE Requirements and explain the 4G technology in detail
     2. SAE Architecture
     3. Short Note on : Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
     4. Describe Self Organizing Network (SON-LTE) in detail

(Priority 2):

     5. Short Note on 5G technolgy
     6. Short Note on E-UTRAN

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