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Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune [SPPU]

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune [SPPU]

Kondhwa Pune , Pune College Code: NA

Indian Institute of Information Technology Pune (IIIT Pune) is an integral part of the IIIT chain of institutions. It is one of the newly established IIITs set up under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in 2016. The institute is mentored by the College of Engineering, Pune (COEP). IIIT Pune is an institute of National Importance that was founded to meet the challenges faced by IT industries in India. Outlook India has ranked IIIT Pune at 15th position among the ‘Top Engineering Colleges of India’ in 2019.

Entrance Exam: JEE Main/JEE ADVANCE

Total Fee:- ₹ 9.31 L


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