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[MU] Computer Engineering Semester-VII

DSIP Importance Questions

Module 1 : Discrete-Time Signal and Discrete-Time System

(Priority 1):

     1 .Check whether the signal is anu(n)
      - static or dynamic
      - Time Varient or Invarient
      - Linear or non-Linear
      - Causal or non- causal
    2. Check Whether the Signal is Periodic or Aperiodic
    3. Check whether the Signal is Stable or Unstable [ LTI signal is BIBO Stable ]
    4. Linear and Circular Convolution
    5. Cross and auto Correlation
    6. Plot the Signal
    7. Energy and Power

Module 2 : Discrete Fourier Transform

(Priority 1):

     1. DFT and Matrix Method + Sketch the Magnitude
     2. DFT Properties and Sums Based on DFT Properties

Module 3 : Fast Fourier Transform

(Priority 1):

     1. Sum based on DIT-FFT [ 4 Point and 8 Point ]
     2. Determine the Response of LTI of x[n] and h[n] using DIT-FFT

Module 4 : Digital Image Fundamentals

(Priority 1):

     1. Steps in Image Processing
     2. Sampling and Quantization
     3. Image File Format [ BMP , TIFF and JPEG ]

Module 5 : Image Enhancement in Spatial domain

(Priority 1):

     1. Zero Memory Point Operations
     2. Linear Stretching [Sums]
     3. Histogram Equlization [Sums]
     4. Gray Level Processing /Transformation
     5. Neighbourhood filtering [ high , Medium , Low ]

Module 6 : Image Segmentation

(Priority 1):

     1. Image Segmentation [ Point , Line and Edge ]
     2. Mask [ Robert , Previt and Laplacian ]

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