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C programming Importance


1. What is a flowchart/algorithm in programming?

2.Draw the flowchart/algorithm for finding the roots of a quadratic equation. Write the program for the same

3. Define Algorithm. Write Algorithm to check whether a given number is Armstrong Numbers or not also mention input and output specifications to algorithm.

4. Operators & Data Types

5. Operator precedence, use operators to solve equations, etc. Data types & their memory structure, etc

6. What are in-built functions? Give examples

7. Explain any four standard library functions from a string.


1. If-else and switch-case

2. Explain switch case and if-else ladder with example

3. Write a program to validate whether an accepted string is palindrome or not.

4. Write a program to implement calculator with following operations using switch case

  • Add two numbers
  • Subtract two numbers
  • Multiply two numbers
  • Divide two numbers

5. While & For loops

6.Write a program for finding the sum of series, 1+2+3+4… up to n terms.

7. Write a program to sort the given array in ascending order.

8. Break & continue statement

9. Explain break and continue statement with example.


1. What is a function? How is a function defined?

2.Write a C program to
i. Create a 2D array (Matrix) [in main function]
ii. Write a function to read 2D array(Matrix)
iii. Write a function that will return true(l) if entered matrix is symmetric or false(0) is not symmetric.
iv. Print whether the entered matrix is symmetric or not [ in the main function]

3. Write a user-defined function to implement string concatenation

4. Recursion

5. Explain recursive function. Write a program to find the GCD of a number by using recursive function.

6. What is recursion? Write a program to find x^y (x raised to y) using recursion


1. Arrays. 1-D & 2-D array implementation

2.Write a program to perform matrix multiplication bypassing the input matrix to the function and printing the resultant matrix.

3. String Functions

4. Implements string copy function STRCOPY (strl, str2) that copies a string strl (source) to another string str2 (destina!ion) without using library function.


1. Concept of structure & Union

2. Explain Nested Structure. Write a program using nested structure to create an Array of structures to store the details of N students. The details are,
i)Student name
ii)Student Roll no
iii)Marks of Physics, Chemistry, Maths
Calculate the total of P-C-M.


1.Define pointer and its use. Explain the array of the pointer with an example. Write a program to swap two values by using the call by reference concept.

2. Call by value & call by reference

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