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1. Learning Agent with Solved Example
2. Soft Computing and its Types [ Hard vs Soft Computing ]
3. Agent and Types of agent [with Diagram ]
4. Environment and Types of Environment
5. Peas Description
1. Genetic Algorithm [ Chromosome , Mutation , Crossover ]
2. Heuristic Function [ Block world & 8 Puzzle ]
3. Sums [ GBFS and A* Algorithm ] [A* Admissible ]
4. Alpha Beta Pruning
5. Hill Climbing [Problem and its solution i.e : simulated Annealing ]
6. Informed Search [ BFS , DFS , DLS ]
1. Bayesian Belief Network & Uncertainty [ Sums of Gauge and Cancer ]
2. Partial Order Planning with Example
3. Convert Sentence in PL and FOL
4. Explain in detail Sliding Window (Go-Back)
5. Resolution Sum [ All Happy People Smile , West is Criminal ]
4. Forward and Backward Chaining
1. What is Membership function and Types of Membership Function [with Diagram ]
2. Defuzzification and its Method
3. What is Fuzzy Logic and Why do we need it ?
4. Problem Based on Lambda Cut and Strong Lambda Cut
5. Max min and Max Product Sum
1. Explain different Types of Learning with Example [Supervised , Unsupervised ,Reinforcement ] + Difference Between them
2. Explain Back Propagation Algorithm with Example. and Problem based on Back Propagation Network
3. Shorts Note on : -
- SQMs & KSOMs
4. ANN and its Characteristics and Structure of ANN
5. Explain Feed-Forward Networks [ Single Layer and Multi Layer ].
6. Short Note on McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model
7. Shorts Note on : -
a. LVQ
b. Winner Takers All
1. Expert System with Diagram
3. Neuro Fuzzy Hybrid System
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