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Second Year IT Engineering Question Papers [AKTU]

2019-20 (KAS302) 2019-20 (KAS303) 2019-20 (RAS301) 2018-19 (RAS304)
Technical Communication/ Universal Human Values
2019-20 (KAS301) 2019-20 (RVE301) 2018-19 (KVE301)
Data Structure
2019-20 (KCS301) 2019-20 (RCS305/RCS305A)
Digital Logic Design
2018-19 (REC301) 2017-18 (RCE307)
Computer Organization And Architecture
2018-19 (RCS302) 2019-20 (RCS302)
Discrete Structures & Theory Of Logic
2019-20 (KCS303) 2018-19 (RCS301) 2019-20 (RCS301)
Computer System Security / Python Programming
2019-20 (KNC301) 2019-20 (KNC302)

Engineering Science Course
2018-19 (ROE041) 2018-19 (ROE042) 2018-19 (ROE043) 2018-19 (ROE044) 2018-19 (ROE045)
2018-19 (RAS401) 2018-19 (RAS404)
Environment & Ecology/ Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics
2018-19 (RHU001A) 2018-19 (RVE401) 2018-19 (RAS402)
Operating System
2018-19 (RCS401)
Software Engineering
2018-19 (RCS402)
Theory Of Automata And Formal Languages
2018-19 (RCS403)
Computer System Security / Python Programming
2019-20 (KNC301) 2019-20 (KNC302)

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