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  [MCQ]Human Machine Interaction

Module 1

1.What does HCI stand for?
a.Humam Computer Interface
b.Human Computer Interaction
c.Human Computer Industry
d.Human Computer Implementation
Answer b
Human Computer Interaction

2.The Amount of light emitted by an object is called ____________
Answer a

3.Which of the following keyboard is biased towards right-handed people?
Answer b

4.Identify the prime Effector from the following.
Answer a

5.The light sensitive portion of the Eye is ________
Answer c

6.An area of expertise and knowledge in some real-world activity is called ___________
Answer a

7.________ is affected by both the size of the object and its distance from the eye
b.Visual angle
d.All of the above
Answer b
Visual angle

8.Jerky movements made by the eye during reading are called _____________
Answer c

9.In _____analysis the initial state is compared with the goal state and an operator is chosen to reduce the difference between two
a.Means end analysis
b.median end analysis
c.mode end analysis
d.Frequency analysis
Answer a
Means end analysis

10.Which among the below options is not an interdisciplinary field of HCI?
a.Cognitive Psychology
Answer d

11.Which reasoning derives the logically conclusion from the given premises?
a.Abuductive reasoning
b.Inductive reasoning
c.deductive reasoning
d.All the above
Answer c
deductive reasoning

12.Which type of receptors responds to pressure?
a.mechano receptors
c.chemo receptors
d.thermo receptors
Answer a
mechano receptors

13.What are the major input senses?
A. Sight,Hearing
B. Touch
C. Taste,Smell
D. All the above
All the above

14.How information is received and responses given via a number of input and output channels?
A. visual channel
B. auditory channel
C. haptic channel
D. All the above
All the above

15.How information is processed and applied
A. reasoning
B. problem solving
C. skill acquisition
D. All the above
All the above

16.A personâ€TMs interaction with the outside world occurs through information being received and sent:
A. input
B. output
C. input and output
D. None of the above
input and output

17.Human vision is a highly complex activity with a range of
A. physical
B. limitations
C. physical and perceptual limitations
D. input
physical and perceptual limitations

18.The retina is light sensitive and contains two types of photoreceptor
A. rods and cone
B. input and output
C. light and colour
D. None of the above
rods and cone

19.Temporary blindness we get when moving from a darkened room into sunlight is caused by
A. rods
B. cone
C. blur
D. All the above

20.There are approximately ______ million rods per eye which are mainly situated towards the edges of the retina.
A. 100
B. 115
C. 120
D. 130

21._______ are less sensitive to light than the rods and can therefore tolerate more light.
A. rods
B. cone
C. blur
D. All the above

22.The eye has approximately ______ million cones, mainly concentrated on the fovea,
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

23.The retina also has specialized nerve cells called ganglion cells
A. blindspot
B. lens
C. irsi
D. ganglion cells
ganglion cells

24.________ tell us us vital information about our environment, something hot or cold, and can therefore act as a warning
A. IO channels
B. rods
C. Touch
D. hear

25._______ is proportional to the amplitude of the sound; the frequency remains constant.
A. Loudness
B. Pitch
C. IO Channel
D. None of the above

26.A sensory memory exists for _________ channel
A. haptic
B. Visual
C. iconic
D. All of the above
All of the above

27.What is short term memory
A. permamnent storage
B. temporary storage
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
temporary storage

28.There are ______ types of long term memory
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

29.__________ is structured way to access to information, representation of relationships between pieces of information,
and inference
A. Short term memory
B. episodic memory
C. semantic memory
D. None of the above
semantic memory

30.________ is the process by which we use the knowledge we have to draw conclusions or infer something new about the domain of interest.
A. Reasoning
B. Memory
C. IO channels
D. All of the above

31.What is forgetting?
A. Decay
B. Interference
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
All of the above

32.What is ACT Model?
A. The rules are tuned to speed up performance.
B. The learner develops rules specific to the task.
C. The learner uses general-purpose rules which interpret facts about a problem
D. All the above
All of the above

33.________ is deductive reasoning.
A. Reasoning from event to cause
B. generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we have not seen
C. deriving logically necessary conclusion from given premises.
D. All of the above
deriving logically necessary conclusion from given premises.

34.________ is abductive reasoning.
A. Reasoning from event to cause
B. generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we have not seen
C. deriving logically necessary conclusion from given premises.
D. All of the above
Reasoning from event to cause

35.Gestalt theory says
A. problem solving both productive and reproductive
B. productive draws on insight and restructuring of problem
C. attractive but not enough evidence to explain `insight’
D. All of the above
All of the above

36.___________ is problem space theory?
A. problem space comprises problem states
B. problem solving involves generating states using legal operators
C. operates within human information processing system
D. largely applied to problem solving in well-defined areas
E. All of the above
All of the above

37.Mention the types of error
A. slips
B. mistakes
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
All of the above

38.There are _____ stages of Donald Normanâ€TMs model in interaction?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

39.Paradigms are
A. Predominant theoretical frameworks
B. r scientific world views
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
All of the above

40.What is WIMP?
A. Windows
B. Icons
C. Menus
D. Pointers
E. All the above
All of the above

41.What is the basic standard for text storage
C. Hard drive
D. None of the above

42._______ used to reduce the amount of storage required for text, bitmaps and video
A. Delete data
B. Errors
C. Compression
D. None of the above

43.Limitations on interactive performance
A. Computation
B. Stroage
C. Graphics
D. Network capacity
E. All the above
All the above

44.common interface styles includes
A. command line interface
B. menus
C. natural language
D. question/answer and query dialog
E. All the above
All the above

Module 2

1.Design involves
A. achieving goals within constraints and trade-off between these
B. understanding the raw materials: computer and human
C. accepting limitations of humans and of design
D. All of the above

2.Interaction starts with getting to know the users and their context:
A. finding out who they are and what they are like
B. talking to them
C. watching them.
D. All of the above

3.Complexity of design means we don’t get it right first time:
A. we need iteration and prototypes to try out and evaluate
B. iteration can get trapped in local maxima
C. designs that have no simple improvements, but are not good
D. theory and models can help give good start points.
E. All of the above

4.The golden rule of design is
A. understand your materials
B. understand computers
C. understand people
D. All of the above

5.What are the process of design
A. Requirement Analysis
B. Design
C. iteration and prototyping
D.implementation and deployment
E. All of the above

6.Scenarios are stories for
A. Design
B. Analysis
C. Implementation
D. None of the above

7.What are the steps involved in designing
A. Communication
B. Validation of models
C. Time constraints
D. All of the above

8.What is linearity?
A. time is linear – our lives are linear. but don’t show alternatives
B. stories and narrative are natural
C. concrete
D. use several scenarios, methods
E. All of the above

9.__________ buttons will help you know how to use them for a particular selection or action
A. Mobile
B. Widget
C. Mouse
D. Desktop

10.Widgets when used in website contains
A. Buttons
B. Dials
C. Light
D. All of the above

11.Local structure is
A. knowing where you are
B. knowing what you can do
C. knowing where you are going – or what will happen
D. knowing where you’ve been – or what you’ve done.
E. All of the above

12.Global structure has the following issues
A. Style issues
B. Funtional issues
C. Navigation issues
D. All of the above

13.________ is the way the various screens, pages or device states link to one another.
A. Local structure
B. Global structure
C. Navigation
D. None of the above

14.What is grouping and structure?
A. If things belong together, then we should normally physically group them together.
B. If things belong together, then we should normally physically group them together. This may involve
multiple levels of structure.
C. If things belong together, then we should normally physically structure them together.
D. None of the above

15.Decoration is to
A. make grouping clear
B. Global structure
C. order
D. None of the above

16.What are whitespace?
A. space between the letters
B. used to separate blocks
C. space used to highlight
D. All of the above

17.Screen design tools are
A. grouping of items
B. order of items
C. decoration – fonts, boxes etc.
D. alignment of items
E. All the above

18.Mention different types of prototyping
A. Throw away
B. Incremental
C. Evolutionary
D. All the above

19.Techniques used for prototyping?
A. Storyboards
B. Simulations
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

20.Benefits of design rationale
A. communication throughout life cycle
B. enforces design discipline
C. capturing contextual information
D. All of the above

21.What are the principles of usability
A.Learnability and Flexibility
B. Robustness
C. Predictability
D. Synthesizability
E. All of the above

22.What are the principles of flexibility
A. Customizability
B. Multithreading
C. Task migrarabilty
D. All of the above

23.What are the principles of learnability
A. Familiarity
B. Generalizability
C. Conistency
D. All of the above

24.What are the principles of robustness
A. Task conformance
B. Responsiveness
C. Recoverability
D. Observability
E. All of the above

25.What are goal of evaluation
A. To assess extent of system functionality
B. To assess effect of interface on user
C. To identify specific problems
D. All of the above

26.What types of test available in analysis?
A. Parametric
B. Non-parametric
C. Contingency table
D. All of the above

27.Universal design principles are.
A. flexibility in use
B. tolerance for error
C. Low physical effort
D. size and space for approach and use
E. All of the above

28.There are _______ Shneiderman’s Golden Rules
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

29.There are _______ Normans principles
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

30. Software Design consists of _____________
a) Software Product Design
b) Software Engineering Design
c) Software Product & Engineering Design
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Software design consists of product and engineering design.

31. Which of the following is true?
a) Analysis – Solving problem
b) Design – Understanding problem
c) Analysis & Design
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Analysis- Understanding problem Resolution – Solving problem.

32. Which of these are followed in case of software design process?
a) Analysis occurs at start of product design with a product idea
b) Analysis occurs at the end of engineering design with the SRS
c) Product design resolution produces the design document
d) Engineering design resolution produces the SRS
Answer: a
Explanation: Only statement one is true rest all are false. Analysis is at start of design, Product design resolution produces SRS.

33. Which of these is not in sequence for generic problem solving strategy?
a) Understand the problem
b) Generate candidate solutions
c) Iterate if no solution is adequate
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Iteration is done at last stage.

34. Which of these is not in sequence for generic design process?
a) Analyze the Problem
b) Evaluate candidate solutions
c) Finalize the Design
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Evaluation is followed after Generation of candidate solutions.

35. Why do you think iteration is important for design?
a) To frequently reanalyze the problem
b) To generate and improve solutions only once for better output
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: It has to follow both in order to complete iteration process.

36. What is true about generic software product design process?
a) It begins with SRS
b) It ends with Product Design Problem
c) Analysis is done and end product is project mission statement
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: It begins with product design problem ends with SRS and starting point is project mission statement, hence all choices are false.

37. Generic software engineering design process defined by which of these steps?
a) Generic software engineering design process first job after analysis is detailed design
b) Attention is turned later to architectural design
c) Architectural design is not followed by Detailed design
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Following procedure is followed in engineering design process.

38. Which of these is said to be true about resolution process in generic software engineering design process?
a) Architectural design is low resolution process
b) Detailed design is high resolution process
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Architectural design is high resolution, detailed design is low resolution

39. Which step among these follows the wrong sequence in software engineering design process?
a) Analyze problem
b) Generate candidate architecture
c) Finalize design
d) Select detailed design
Answer: c
Explanation: Selection of design is followed first later design is finalized.

Module 3

1.Which of the following is not one of the goals of HMI?
a.To produce usable systems
b.To produce safe systems
c.To produce non-functional systems
d.To improve effectiveness of the systems
Answer c
To produce non-functional systems

2.The designing process which considered all the aspects of destined user such as interests, behaviour, likes and dislikes, skill set, experiences , challenges etc is called as :
a. Mapping
b. Signifiers
c. Human-Centered Design
d. Conceptual Design
Answer c
Human-Centered Design

3.Which of the following is not true regarding “cones” :
a. type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light
b. Different types of cones are sensitive to different wavelengths of light
c. Eye has approximately 6 million cones
d. Helps us see colors
Answer a
type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light

4._________________is what goes on in out heads when we carry
out our everyday activities?
Answer c

5._____________ are GUIs that consists of electronic counterparts
to physical objects in the real world to match the knowledge
requirements of users.
a. User interaction models
b. conceptual model
c. Interface Metaphors
d. implementation model
Answer c
Interface Metaphors

6.Which of the following is not a type of sensory memory-
a. Iconic memory
b. Echoic memory
c.Haptic memory
d. Random memory
Answer d
Random memory

7.The paradigms range from the introduction of timesharing
computers, through ___________and context-aware computing
a.The WIMP and web, to ubiquitous
b.Designing usable interactive systems.
c.Interactive computing.
d.Building interactive environment
Answer a
The WIMP and web, to ubiquitous

8.When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on
__________ can be significant.
a. Short-term memory
b. Shortcuts
c. Objects that appear on the screen
d. Long term memory
Answer a
Short-term memory

9.Which among the following is Norman’s Fundamental Principle
of Interaction?
a. ffordances
b. rtificial Intelligence
c. Machine Learning
d. Cohesion
Answer a

10.Which of the following is the stage in Norman’s model of interaction?
a. To draw design
b. To form solution
c. Establishing the Goal
d. Correcting the action plan
Answer c
Establishing the Goal

11.Which of the following is not a type of reasoning? M 1
Deductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning
bductive reasoning
Reductive reasoning
Answer d
Reductive reasoning

12.Which technology applies touch in the interface mode? M 1
a. Digitizing tablet
b. Motion recognition TV
c. Braille electronic display
d. Text-to-speech converter
Answer c
Braille electronic display

13.”Error rate will increase as font size decreases” The above
statement is
a. Participants
b. Hypothesis
c. Dependent variables
d. Independent variables
Answer b

14. how many principles are there in universal design?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10
Answer b

15.The quantitative information is one which concerns the
a. value of some variable
b. Rate of change
c. Condition or status of a system
d. Presence or absence of some specific object
Answer a
value of some variable

16.Waterfall model is basically a _________ model in which each
step must be completed before the next step can be started
a. Incremental
b. Linear
c. Iterative
d. nalytical
Answer b

17.Which of the given statements correctly defines effectiveness in terms of one of the usability goals?
a.It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing what it is suppose to do
b.It refers to the way a system supports users in carrying out their tasks
c.It involves protecting the users from dangerous conditions
d.It involves protecting the users from undesired situations
Answer a
It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing what it is suppose to do

18.Political campaigns, marketing department ask users inquires by conducting the following interview technique?
a. Focus group
b. Walkthrough
c. Heuristics
d. Telephonic
Answer a
Focus group

19.XYZ is an HCI specialist, he believes that usability testing works for __________.
a.Software products
b.Hardware products
c. ll products
d.Consumer products
Answer c
ll products

20.Which of the following is a true statement?
a.Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and software engineers are system centered
b.Human-computer interface specialists are system-centered and engineers are user-centered
d.Human-computer interface specialists and software engineers, both are system-centered.
Answer a
Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and software engineers are system centered

21._________is what goes on in out heads when we carry out our everyday activities?
a. Cognition
b. Learnability
c. Memorability
d. Flexibility
Answer a

22.Engineering a user interface involves a quantitative engineering style of working in which measurements are used to judge the quality of interface. Hence ________is appropriate
a. Usability testing
b. Field study
c. Predictive evaluation
d. DECIDE framework
Answer a
Usability testing

23.Exploring how children talk together in order to see if an innovative new groupware product
would help them to be more engaged would probably be better informed by a ______________.
a. Usability testing
b. Field study
c. Predictive evaluation
d. DECIDE framework
Answer b
Field study

24.Elsa is used to describe design problem /solution by___________ that is an imagined or projected sequence of events, especially
any of several detailed plans or possibilities
a. Persona
b. Scenario
c. Flowchart
d. Brainstorming
Answer b

25.Unable to edit pdf document, is a type of ___________
a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Cultural
d. Update
Answer b

26.Which of the following is the comparison of what happened in
the world with what we wanted to
a. ction
b. Evaluation
c. Execution
d. Efficiency
Answer b

27.LMN want to add a bulletin board to an ecommerce website to
increase the number of visitors, which of the following analysis
will help?
a. Qualitative
b. Evaluative
c. Quantitative
d. Scientific
Answer b

28.Which of the following is flaw in waterfall model?
a. requirements change overtime
b. maintenance can not be possible at the end
c. testing should be done before requirements gathering
d. requirements not changing with time
Answer b
requirements change overtime

29.__ is the system’s ability to respond to individual differences in
a. Familarity
b. Flexibility
c. Responsiveness
d. vailability
Answer b

30.Link to a site, browse or read pages, fill out forms etc are
different user tasks performed in
a. Web interface
b. GUI
c. Printed pages
d. Digital systems
Answer a
Web interface

31.The action which establish or modify the attributes or properties
of objects
a. Commands
b. Orientation
c. Property
d. Views
Answer c

32. The ways of looking at an object’s information is called as- M
a. Commands
b. Orientation
c. Property
d. Views
Answer d

33.In graphical system object orientation, changing an object in a set
affects some other object in the set is called as
a. Collection
b. Constraints
c. Composites
d. Container
Answer b

34.The cognitive process that enables people to understand
information that is difficult to perceive, because it is either too voluminous or too
abstract is called as
a. Mental model
b. Direct manipulation
c. Visualization
d. Indirect manipulation
Answer c

35.Which of the following characteristic refers to the action
a. actions are rapid and incremental with visible display of results
b. The system is portrayed as an extension of the real world.
c. Objects and actions are continuously visible.
d. Incremental actions are easily reversible
Answer d
Incremental actions are easily reversible

36.Which one of the following characteristics do not represent direct
a. The system should portray as an extension of real world
b. Continuous visibility of objects
c. System should use text only
d. ctions should be rapid and incremental
Answer c
System should use text only

37. Sophisticated Visual Presentation includes__
a. Changing colors
b. Displaying lines, including drawings and icons
c. Changing fonts
d. Using graphics
Answer b
Displaying lines, including drawings and icons

38. range of cells organized into a spreadsheet is the best example
a. Collection
b. Constraints
c. Composites
d. Container
Answer c

39.Browser and pages are presentation elements in- M
a. Web interface
b. GUI
c. Printed pages
d. Digital systems
Answer a
Web interface

40. Intersection based on windows , icons , menus and pointers is
called the ____
Answer b

41.Select the correct statement from following-
a. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than icons.
b. The number of different text a person can differentiate and deal
with is much more limited than symbols.
c. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than text.
d. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is same as that of text.
Answer c
The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than text.

42.Which is not meant by forgiveness ?
a. Tolerate and forgive common errors
b. prevent errors from occuring
c. provide direct ways to accomplish tasks
d. When error occurs , provide constructive measures
Answer c
provide direct ways to accomplish tasks

43. well designed screen is developed within_____constraints
imposed by hardware on which it is displayed
a. logical
b. physical
c. user
d. financial
Answer b

Module 4

1.Which of the following is not one of the goals of H I?
a. To produce usable systems
b. To produce safe systems
c. To produce non-functional systems
d. To improve effectiveness of the systems
Answer c
To produce non-functional systems

2.The designing process which considered all the aspects of destined user such as interests, behaviour, likes and dislikes, skill
set, experiences , challenges etc is called as :
a. apping
b. Signifiers
c. Human-Centered Design
d. Conceptual Design
Answer c
Human-Centered Design

3. Which of the following is not true regarding “cones”
a. type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light
b. Different types of cones are sensitive to different wavelengths of light
c. Eye has approximately 6 million cones
d. Helps us see colors
Answer a
type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light

4._________________is what goes on in out heads when we carry
out our everyday activities?
a. emorability
b. Learnability
c. Cognition
d. Recallability
Answer c

5. _____________ are GUIs that consists of electronic counterparts
to physical objects in the real world to match the knowledge requirements of users.
a. User interaction models
b. conceptual models
c. Interface etaphors
d. implementation model
Answer c
Interface etaphors

6.Which of the following is not a type of sensory memory- 1
Iconic memory
Echoic memory
Haptic memory
Random memory
Answer d
Random memory

7. The paradigms range from the introduction of timesharing
computers, through ___________and context-aware computing
a. The WI P and web, to ubiquitous
b. Designing usable interactive systems.
c. Interactive computing.
d. Building interactive environment
Answer a
The WI P and web, to ubiquitou

8. When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on
__________ can be significant.
a. Short-term memory
b. Shortcuts
c. Objects that appear on the screen
d. Long term memory
Answer a
Short-term memory

9. Which among the following is Norman’s Fundamental Principle
of Interaction?
rtificial Intelligence
achine Learning
Answer a

10. abductive reasons…….
a. The logical conclusion from the premises.
b. The process by which we use the knowledge we have to draw
c. Generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about
cases we have not seen.
d. From a fact to the action or state that caused it
Answer d
From a fact to the action or state that caused it

11.Ergonomics can be also called as……
a. The development of design
b. The study of the physical characteristics of the interaction
c. Window design system
d. Hardware environment
Answer b
The study of the physical characteristics of the interaction

12. Which of the following is the stage in Norman’s model of
a. To draw design
b. To form solution
c. Establishing the Goal
d. Correcting the action plan
Answer b
Establishing the Goal

13. Which of the following is not a type of reasoning?
a.Deductive reasoning
b.Inductive reasoning
c.abductive reasoning
d.Reductive reasoning
Answer d
Reductive reasoning

14.Reproductive problem solving draws on _______as the
behaviorists claimed, but productive problem solving involves
___________of the problem.
a. Previous experience, insight and restructuring
b. Insight and restructuring, Previous experience
Answer a
Previous experience, insight and restructuring

15.Psychopathology is the study of _______________________.
a. Without experience, overall structuring
b. Without experience, insight and structuring
c. ental illness
d. psychology
e. Physical illness
f. Physical fitness
Answer c
ental illness

16.Which technology applies touch in the interface mode?
a. Digitizing tablet
b. otion recognition TV
c. Braille electronic display
d. Text-to-speech converter
Answer c
Braille electronic display

17.”Error rate will increase as font size decreases” The above statement is
a. Participants
b. Hypothesis
c. Dependent variables
d. Independent variables
Answer b

18. How many principles are there in universal design?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 1
Answer b

19.The quantitative information is one which concerns the
a. value of some variable
b. Rate of change
c. Condition or status of a system
d. Presence or absence of some specific object
Answer a
value of some variable

20 . Waterfall model is basically a _________ model in which each
step must be completed before the next step can be started
a. Incremental
b. Linear
c. Iterative
d. nalytical
Answer b

21.Which of the given statements correctly defines effectiveness in
terms of one of the usability goals?
a. It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing
what it is suppose to do
b. It refers to the way a system supports users in carrying out their
c. It involves protecting the users from dangerous conditions
d. It involves protecting the users from undesired situations
Answer a
It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing
what it is suppose to do

22.Political campaigns, marketing department ask users inquires by
conducting the following interview technique?
a. Focus group
b. Walkthrough
c. Heuristics
d. Telephonic
Answer a
Focus group

23. XYZ is an HCI specialist, he believes that usability testing works
for __________.
a. Software products
b. Hardware products
c. ll products
d. Consumer products
Answer c
ll products

24. Which of the following is a true statement? 
a. Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and
software engineers are system centered
b. Human-computer interface specialists are system-centered and
software engineers are user-centered
c. Human-computer interface specialists and software engineers,
both are system-centered.
d. Human-computer interface specialists and software engineers,
both are user-centered.
Answer a
Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and
software engineers are system centered

25. _________is what goes on in out heads when we carry out our
everyday activities?
a. Cognition
b. Learnability
c. emorability
d. Flexibility
Answer a

26. PQR is looking at how interface designers went about their work.
He identified two different modes of activity: one is _________
and other is ___________.
a. nalytic mode, synthetic mode
b. Evaluation mode, testing mode
c. nalyze mode, feedback mode
d. Implementation mode, task mode
Answer a
nalytic mode, synthetic mode

27.Engineering a user interface involves a quantitative engineering
style of working in which measurements are used to judge the
quality of interface. Hence ________is appropriate
a. Usability testing
b. Field study
c. Predictive evaluation
d. DECIDE framework
Answer a
Usability testing

28. Exploring how children talk together in order to see if an
innovative new groupware product
would help them to be more engaged would probably be better
informed by a ______________.
a.Usability testing
b.Field study
c.Predictive evaluation
d.DECIDE framework
Answer b
Field study

29. Elsa is used to describe design problem /solution by___________
that is an imagined or projected sequence of events, especially
any of several detailed plans or possibilities
a. Persona
b. Scenario
c. Flowchart
d. Brainstorming
Answer b

30 .Unable to edit pdf document, is a type of ___________
a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Cultural
d. Update
Answer b

31.Which of the following is the comparison of what happened in
the world with what we wanted to happen?
a. Action
b. Evaluation
c. Execution
d. Efficiency
Answer b

32.L N want to add a bulletin board to an ecommerce website to
increase the number of visitors, which of the following analysis will help?
a. Qualitative
b. Evaluative
c. Quantitative
d. Scientific
Answer b

33. Which of the following is a flaw in the waterfall model?
a. requirements change overtime
b. maintenance can not be possible at the end
c. testing should be done before requirements gathering
d. requirements not changing with time
Answer a
requirements change overtime

34.___ is the system’s ability to respond to individual differences in people
a. Familarity
b. Flexibility 1
c. Responsiveness
d. vailability
Answer b

35.Intranet is mainly used by-
a. ll people in universe
b. Organization employees who know about organization
c. Customers
d. Who know much less about the organization
Answer b
Organization employees who know about organization

36.Link to a site, browse or read pages, fill out forms etc are
different user tasks performed in
a. Web interface 1
b. GUI
c. Printed pages
d. Digital systems
AAnswer a
Web interface

37. The action which establish or modify the attributes or properties
of objects
a. Commands
b. Orientation
c. Property 1
d. Views
Answer c

38.The ways of looking at an object’s information is called as-
a. Commands
b. Orientation
c. Property
d. Views 1
Answer d

39.In graphical system object orientation, changing an object in a set
affects some other object in the set is called as
a. Collection
b. Constraints 1
c. Composites
d. Container
Answer b

40.The cognitive process that enables people to understand
information that is difficult to perceive, because it is either too voluminous or too
abstract is called as
a. ental model
b. Direct manipulation
c. Visualization 1
d. Indirect manipulation
Answer c

40.The concept WYSIWYG refers to-
a. What is presented on the screen or
what may be retrieved through what is presented on the screen are same
b. What is presented on the screen or
what may be retrieved through what is presented on the screen
may be different
c. What is presented on the screen or
what may be retrieved through what is presented on the screen
may be same or different depending on context
d. Visualization
Answer a
What is presented on the screen or
what may be retrieved through what is presented on the screen are same

41. Which of the following characteristic refers to the action incorrect
a. ctions are rapid and incremental with visible display of results
b. The system is portrayed as an extension of the real world.
c. Objects and actions are continuously visible.
d. Incremental actions are easily reversible 1
Answer d
Incremental actions are easily reversible

42.Which one of the following characteristics do not represent direct manipulation
a. The system should portray as an extension of real world
b. Continuous visibility of objects
c. System should use text only 1
d. ctions should be rapid and incremental
Answer c
System should use text only

43. Sophisticated Visual Presentation includes__
a. Changing colors
b. Displaying lines, including
drawings and icons
c. Changing fonts
d. Using graphics
Answer b
Displaying lines, including drawings and icons

44. range of cells organized into a spreadsheet is the best example of
a. Collection
b. Constraints
c. Composites 1
d. Container
Answer c

45.Browser and pages are presentation elements in-
a. Web interface 1
b. GUI
c. Printed pages
d. Digital systems
Answer a
web interface

46.Intersection based on windows , icons , menus and pointers is
called the ____
b. WI P 1
c. WI D
Answer b

47. Select the correct statement from following-
a.The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than icons.
b.The number of different text a person can differentiate and deal
with is much more limited than symbols.
c. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than text.
d.The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is same as that of text.
Answer c
The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than text.

48. Which is not meant by forgiveness ?
a. Tolerate and forgive common errors
b. prevent errors from occuring
c. provide direct ways to accomplish tasks 1
d. When error occurs , provide constructive measures
Answer c
provide direct ways to accomplish tasks

Module 5

1.Layers of the mobile ecosystem are
A. Services, applications, operating system, platforms, devices, Aggregators, networks, operators
B. Services, applications, application framework, platforms, devices, Aggregators, networks, operators
C. Services, applications, application framework, operating system, platforms, devices, networks, operators
D. Services, applications, application framework, operating system, platforms, devices, Aggregators, networks,
Services, applications, application framework, operating system, platforms, devices, Aggregators, networks,

2.What is a mobile platform and give its categories
A. mobile platforms is to provide access to the devices. categories are i. Licensed ii. Proprietary iii. Open source
B. mobile platforms is to provide access to the web. categories are i. Licensed ii. Proprietary
C. mobile platforms is to provide access to the operator. categories are i. Licensed ii. Proprietary
D. None of the above
mobile platforms is to provide access to the devices. categories are i. Licensed ii. Proprietary iii. Open source

3.Licensed platforms are ?
A. Java Micro Edition (Java ME)
B. Windows Mobile
C. Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW)
D. All of the above
All of the above

4.Name few Proprietary software
A. iPhone
B. Blackberry
C. Andriod
D. All of the above
All of the above

5.What are the Operating Systems used in mobile?
A. Symbian
B. Linux
C. Palm OS
D. All of the above
All of the above

6.List out the application frameworks
A. Java
B. S60
D. Flash lite
E. All of the above
All of the above

7.What are the cons of mobile SMS
A. they are limited to 160 characters
B. they provide a limited text based experience
C. they can be very expensive
D. All of the above
All of the above

8.Name few pros in mobile SMS
A. they work on any mobile devices nearly instantaneously
B. they are useful for sending timely alerts to the user
C. they can be incorporated into any web or mobile applications
D. they can be simple to setup and manage
E. All the above
All of the above

9.Name few cons about mobile websites
A. they can load pages slowly due to n/w latency
B. they offer users a limited experience
C. Only A
D. Both A and B
Both A and B

10.Name few cons about mobile websites
A. nearly all mobile devices can view mobile web sites
B. they are easy to create maintain and publish
C. they can use all the same tools and techniques you might already use for desktop sites
D. Only A and B
E. All the above
All the above

11.Name few pros of mobile games
A. they can be ported to multiple devices relatively easily
B. they provide a simple and easy way to create an immersive experience
C. Both A and B
D. Only B
Both A and B

12.Name few cons of mobile games
A. they can be costly to develop as an original game title
B. they cannot easily be ported to the mobile web
C. Both A and B
D. Only B
Both A and B

13.Mentions few pros about Mobile Web Widgets
A. They can be simple to deploy across multiple handsets.They are easy to create, using basic HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript knowledge.
B. They can be simple to deploy across multiple handsets.
C. They offer an improved user experience and a richer design, tapping into device features and offline use.
D. All of the above
E. Only A and B
All of the above

14.Mentions few cons about Mobile Web Widgets
A. They cannot run in any mobile web browser
B. They typically require a compatible widget platform to be installed on the device
C. They require learning additional proprietary, non-web-standard techniques
D. All of the above
E. Only A and B
Only A and B

15.What are the set of rules for mobile?
A. Forget What You Think You Know
B. Believe What You See, Not What You Read
C. Constraints Never Come First
D.Focus on Context, Goals, and Needs
E. All of the above
All of the above

16.What are the types of mobile architecture?
A. Information architecture
B. Interaction design and Information design
C. Navigation design and Interface design
D. Only A and B
E. All of the above
All of the above

17.List out the types of prototyping.
A. Paper prototyping
B. Context prototyping
C. Html prototyping
D. All of the above
E. Only A and B
Only A and B

18.What are the Elements of Mobile Design?
A. Layout
B. Context and message
C. Look and feel, Color
D. Graphics and design
E. All of the above
All of the above

19.What are the rules for readability?
A. Use a high-contrast typeface
B. Provide decent leading or line spacing
C. Leave space on the right and left of each line; donâ€TMt crowd the screen
D. Only B and C
E. All the above
All of the above

20.How many principles does web 2.0 have
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

21.What is subpixels
A. Sub pixel is a division of each pixel into RGB
B. The pixel density is determined by dividing the width of display area in pixels by the width of the display area in
C. Only A
D. None of the above
Only A

22.What is pixel density
A. Sub pixel is a division of each pixel into RGB unit at a microscopic level, enabling a greater level of antialiasing for
each font character or glyph.
B. The pixel density is determined by dividing the width of display area in pixels by the width of the display area in
C. Only A
D. Only B
Only B

23. List out the examples of mobile design tools?
A. Photoshop
B. Flash
D. Interface Builder
E. All of the above
All of the above

24.What are the importance of mobile applications
A. Massive chance to grow E-business
B. Get official interaction with customers
C. free advertisement for your job
D. Easily meets the targeted customer
E. All of the above
All of the above

25.What is font replacement
A. ability to typepace the text
B. common form of graphics used in mobile design
C. Only A
D. Both A and B
Only A

26.What is typography
A. Content which to be represnted
B. content can be a colr or text
C. Only A
D. Both A and B
Both A and B

27.What is a color palettes
A. useful for maintaining a consistent use of color in your mobile design.
B. colors to use throughout the design.
C. Only A
D. Both A and B
Both A and B

28.What are site maps
A. used to define mobile information architecture
B. visually represent the relationship of content to other content
C. a map for how the user will travel through the informational space.
D. All the above
All the above

29.What is context wrt web
A. who are the users
B. when will they interact
C. why they use the application
D. How are they using their mobile device.
E. All the above
All the above

30.What is LiMo
A. Linux Mobile Application
B. Android Application
C. Blackberry application
D. All the above
Linux Mobile Application

31.In Mobile technology has gone through many different
evolutions called as “generations” or “G,” which refers to the —
a.Maturity of the
actual cellular
b.Capabilities of
the actual
c.Both (a) and (b)
Answer c

32. The first era of mobile is called as ————-
a.Candy Bar Era
b.Brick Era
c.Feature Phone Era
Answer b

33.Candy bar phones included the ————–
a.Voice and Short
Message Service
b.Voice, Short
Message Service
and play Snake
c.Short Message Service
and play Snake game
d.Voice and play
Snake game
Answer b
Voice, Short
Message Service
and play Snake

34.Use of internet Technology was introduced in ————-
a.Candy Bar Era
b.Brick Era
c.Feature Phone Era
d.Smartphone Era
Answer c
Feature Phone Era

35.———– combined a Palm OS–based PDA with a phone
module to create PDA-style smartphones, which would later
become the popular Treo line of smartphones
b.Nokia 9000
Answer a

36. There are ———– layers of the mobile ecosystem
Answer d

37. Which is not in the layers of mobile eco system
d.Context 4
Answer d

38. The base layer in the mobile ecosystem is _____________
d.Applications 2
Answer b

39.Operators can be referred to as __________________
a.Mobile Network Operators
b.Mobile serviceproviders
c.Wireless carriers
d.All the above 4
Answer d
All the above

40. _____________ create and maintain a specific set of wireless services over a reliable cellular network
Answer a

41.Cellular technology is just a _________that receives a signal from an antenna
Answer b

42. GPRS stands for ______________
Packet Radio Service
b.General Packet
Radio Service
c.General Pulse Radio
d.Generated Pulse
Radio Service 2
Answer b
General Packet
Radio Service

43. The greatest challenge the mobile ecosystem currently faces is ___________
d.Device fragmentation
Answer d
Device fragmentation

44.Mobile platform’s are split into ____________
Open source
b.Licensed, Open
c.Proprietary, Open
Answer a
Open source

45.SMS applications limited to ____ characters
Answer a

46.The color used in Mobile design to indicate joy, happiness
Answer c

47.Select the recommended max size of mobile screen
a.176 X 220 Pixels
b.240 X 320Pixels
c.320 X 240 Pixels
d.200 X 250 Pixels
Answer d
200 X 250 Pixels

48.iPhone uses ___________ bit color depth
Answer C

49.They visually represent the relationship of content to other
content and show how the user will travel through the
informational space.
b.Click stream
c.Site Map
d.Mobile Platform
Answer c
Site Map

50.Identify the mobile prototype
a.Paper prototypes
b.Context prototype
c.HTML prototypes
d.All the above
Answer d
All the above

Module 6

1.Which of the following is not one of the goals of HMI?
a. To produce usable systems
b. To produce safe systems
c. To produce non-functional systems
d. To improve effectiveness of the systems
Answer c
To produce non-functional systems

2.The designing process which considered all the aspects of
destined user such as interests, behaviour, likes and dislikes, skill
set, experiences, challenges etc is called as
a. Mapping
b. Signifiers
c. Human-Centered Design
d. Conceptual Design
Answer c
Human-Centred Design

3.Which of the following is not true regarding “cones” :
a. type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light
b. Different types of cones are sensitive to different wavelengths of light
c. Eye has approximately 6 million cones
d. Helps us see colors
Answer a
type of receptor in eye which is more sensitive to light

4. _________________is what goes on in out heads when we carry
out our everyday activities?
a. Memorability
b. Learnability
c. Cognition
d. Recallability
Answer c

5._____________ are GUIs that consists of electronic counterparts
to physical objects in the real world to match the knowledge requirements of users.
a. User interaction models
b. conceptual model
c. Interface Metaphors
d. implementation model
Answer c
Interface Metaphors

6.Which of the following is not a type of sensory memory-
a. Iconic memory
b. Echoic memory
c. Haptic memory
d. Random memory
Answer d
Random memory

7.The paradigms range from the introduction of timesharing
computers, through ___________and context-aware computing
a. The WIMP and web, to ubiquitous
b. Designing usable interactive systems.
c. Interactive computing.
d. Building interactive environment
Answer a
The WIMP and web, to ubiquitous

8.When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on __________ can be significant.
a. Short-term memory
b. Shortcuts
c. Objects that appear on the screen
d. Long term memory
Answer a
Short-term memory

9.Which among the following is Norman’s Fundamental Principle of Interaction?
a. affordances
b. artificial Intelligence
c. Machine Learning
d. Cohesion
Answer a

10. abductive reasons…….
a. The logical conclusion from the premises.
b. The process by which we use the knowledge we have to draw conclusions
c. Generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we have not seen.
d. From a fact to the action or state that caused it.
Answer d
From a fact to the action or state that caused it.

11.Ergonomics can be also called as……
a. The development of design
b. The study of the physical characteristics of the interaction
c. Window design system
d. Hardware environment
Answer b
The study of the physical characteristics of the interaction

12.Which of the following is the stage in Norman’s model of interaction?
a. To draw design
b. To form solution
c. Establishing the Goal
d. Correcting the action plan
Answer c
Establishing the Goal

13.Which of the following is not a type of reasoning?
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. bductive reasoning
d. Reductive reasoning
Answer d
Reductive reasoning

14.Reproductive problem solving draws on _______as the behaviorists claimed, but productive problem solving involves
___________of the problem.
a. Previous experience, insight and restructuring
b. Insight and restructuring, Previous experience
Answer a
Previous experience, insight and restructuring

15. Psychopathology is the study of _______________________.
a. Without experience, overall structuring
b. Without experience, insight and structuring
c. Mental illness
d. psychology
e. Physical illness
f. Physical fitness
Answer c
Mental illness

16.Which technology applies touch in the interface mode?
a. Digitizing tablet
b. Motion recognition TV
c. Braille electronic display
d. Text-to-speech converter
Answer c
Braille electronic display

17.”Error rate will increase as font size decreases” The above
statement is
a. Participants
b. Hypothesis
c. Dependent variables
d. Independent variables
Answer b

18. How many principles are there in universal design?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10
Answer b

19.The quantitative information is one which concerns the
a. value of some variable
b. Rate of change
c. Condition or status of a system
d. Presence or absence of some specific object
Answer a
value of some variable

20. Waterfall model is basically a _________ model in which each
step must be completed before the next step can be started
a. Incremental
b. Linear
c. Iterative
d. nalytical
Answer b

21.Which of the given statements correctly defines effectiveness in
terms of one of the usability goals?
a. It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing what it is suppose to do
b. It refers to the way a system supports users in carrying out their tasks
c. It involves protecting the users from dangerous conditions
d. It involves protecting the users from undesired situations
Answer a
It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing what it is suppose to do

22. Political campaigns, marketing department ask users inquires by
conducting the following interview technique?
a.Focus group
Answer a
Focus group=

23. XYZ is an HCI specialist, he believes that usability testing works for __________.
a. Software products
b. Hardware products
c. ll products
d. Consumer products
Answer c
ll products

24. Which of the following is a true statement?
Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and software engineers are system centered
Human-computer interface specialists are system-centered and software engineers are user-centered
Human-computer interface specialists and software engineers,both are system-centered.
Human-computer interface specialists and software engineers,both are user-centered.
Answer a
Human-computer interface specialists are user-centered and software engineers are system centered

25. _________is what goes on in out heads when we carry out our everyday activities?
a. Cognition
b. Learnability
c. Memorability
d. Flexibility
Answer a

26. PQR is looking at how interface designers went about their work.
He identified two different modes of activity: one is _________ and other is ___________.
a. nalytic mode, synthetic mode
b. Evaluation mode, testing mode
c. nalyze mode, feedback mode
d. Implementation mode, task mode
Answer a
analytic mode, synthetic mode

27.Engineering a user interface involves a quantitative engineering style of working in which measurements are used to judge the
quality of the interface. Hence ________is appropriate
a. Usability testing
b. Field study
c. Predictive evaluation
d. DECIDE framework
Answer a
Usability testing

28. Exploring how children talk together in order to see if an innovative new groupware product
would help them to be more engaged would probably be better informed by a ______________.
a. Usability testing
b. Field study
c. Predictive evaluation
d. DECIDE framework
Answer b
Field study

29.Elsa is used to describe design problem /solution by___________ that is an imagined or projected sequence of events, especially
any of several detailed plans or possibilities
a. Persona
b. Scenario
c. Flowchart
d. Brainstorming
Answer b

30.Unable to edit pdf document, is a type of ___________ constraints.
a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Cultural
d. Update
Answer b

31. Which of the following is the comparison of what happened in the world with what we wanted to happen?
a. action
b. Evaluation
c. Execution
d. Efficiency
Answer b

32.LMN want to add a bulletin board to an ecommerce website to increase the number of visitors, which of the following analysis will help?
a. Qualitative
b. Evaluative
c. Quantitative
d. Scientific
Answer b

33.Which of the following is flaw in waterfall model?
a. requirements change overtime
b. maintenance can not be possible at the end
c. testing should be done before requirements gathering
d. requirements not changing with time
Answer a
requirements change overtime

34.___ is the system’s ability to respond to individual differences in people
a. Familarity 0
b. Flexibility 1
c. Responsiveness 0
d. vailability 0
Answer b

35. Intranet is mainly used by- S
a. ll people in universe 0
b. Organization employees who know about organization 1
c. Customers 0
d. Who know much less about the organization 0
Answer b
Organization employees who know about organization

36.Link to a site, browse or read pages, fill out forms etc are
different user tasks performed in
a. Web interface 1
b. GUI 0
c. Printed pages 0
d. Digital systems 0
Answer a
Web interface

37. The action which establish or modify the attributes or properties of objects
a. Commands 0
b. Orientation 0
c. Property 1
d. Views 0
Answer c

38.The ways of looking at an object’s information is called as- M
a. Commands 0
b. Orientation 0
c. Property 0
d. Views 1
Answer d

39.In graphical system object orientation, changing an object in a set
affects some other object in the set is called as
a. Collection 0
b. Constraints 1
c. Composites 0
d. Container 0
Answer b

40.The cognitive process that enables people to understand information that
is difficult to perceive, because it is either too voluminous or too abstract is called as
a. Mental model 0
b. Direct manipulation 0
c. Visualization 1
d. Indirect manipulation 0
Answer c

41. Which one of the following characteristics do not represent direct manipulation
a. The system should portray as an extension of real world 0
b. Continuous visibility of objects 0
c. System should use text only 1
d. ctions should be rapid and incremental 0
Answer c
System should use text only

42. Sophisticated Visual Presentation includes__ M
a. Changing colors 0
b. Displaying lines, including drawings and icons
c. Changing fonts 0
d. Using graphics 0
Answer b
Displaying lines, including drawings and icons

43. range of cells organized into a spreadsheet is the best example of
a. Collection 0
b. Constraints 0
c. Composites 1
d. Container 0
Answer c

44.Browser and pages are presentation elements in- M
a. Web interface 1
b. GUI 0
c. Printed pages 0
d. Digital systems 0
Answer a
Web interface

45. Intersection based on windows , icons , menus and pointers is called the ____
a. WICP 0
b. WIMP 1
c. WIMD 0
d. WIWD 0
Answer b

46. Select the correct statement from following- M
a. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is much more limited than icons.
b. The number of different text a person can differentiate and deal
with is much more limited than symbols.
c. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and deal with is much more limited than text
d. The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and
deal with is same as that of text.
Answer c
The number of different symbols a person can differentiate and deal with is much more limited than text

47. Which is not meant by forgiveness ? M
a. Tolerate and forgive common errors 0
b. prevent errors from occuring 0
c. provide direct ways to accomplish tasks 1
d. When error occurs , provide constructive measures
Answer c
provide direct ways to accomplish tasks

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