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[MCQ] Adhoc Wireless Network

Module 1

1.Nodes must be scheduled in a distributed fashion for gaining access to
the channel because
a. There is no centralized coordinators
b. Nodes are not communicating with each other
c. Exposed terminal problem
d. Power level of the receiving data is very weak
Answer a
There is no centralized coordinators

2.Identify the network for which the following statement is most suitable. “
The bandwidth reservation requires complex medium access control protocols”
a. Cellular network
b. dhoc wireless network
c. Fixed line network
d. Bluetooth network
Answer b
dhoc wireless network

3.Identify the network with the following characteristics .” Fixed
infrastructure based, single hop wireless links, guaranteed bandwidth for
voice based traffic, circuit switched ,seamless connectivity”
a. dhoc wireless network
b. Cellular network
c. Fixed land line network
d. Bluetooth network
Answer b
Cellular network

4.Which of the following network is using ISM band in the following networks
a. Fixed landline
b. Optical fibre network
c. Microwave network
d. Adhoc wireless network
Answer d
Adhoc wireless network

5.Identify the topic which is not a primary responsibility of MC protocol in  adhoc wireless network
a. Distributed arbitration for the shared channel for transmission of packets
b. Time synchronization
c. Hidden and exposed terminal problem
d.It must converge to optimal routes once the network topology becomes
stable. the convergence must be quick
Answer d
It must converge to optimal routes once the network topology becomes stable. the convergence must be quick

6. “MC – By Invitation “is an example for M
a. Sender -initiated protocol
b. Receiver –initiated protocol
c. synchronous protocols
d. Synchronous protocol
Answer b
Receiver –initiated protocol

7. Multichannel protocols are example for M
a. Contention based protocol
b. Contention based protocol with reservation mechanism
c. Contention based protocol with scheduling mechanism
d. Other M C protocol
Answer a
Contention based protocol

7.In M C which of the following packet avoids hidden terminal problem
a. CTS
b. RTS
c. D T
d. DS
Answer a

8.In M C protocol, a neighboring node near sender which receives the RTS packet
a. Will not transmit till it receives data packet
b. Will transmit RTS-CTS packet as per the requirement
c. Will delay the transmission for long enough period so that sender could receive CTS packet
d. Will delay the transmission it receives CTS packet
Answer c
Will delay the transmission for long enough period so that sender could receive CTS packet

9.In a M C protocol, a node near the receiver upon hearing the CTS packet
a. Will differs its transmission till the receiver receives the data packet
b. may initiates its data transmission process as per the requirement
c.Wait for the sender stops transmission
d.will send RTS packet to the transmitter
Answer a
Will differs its transmission till the receiver receives the data packet

10.The binary exponential back off algorithm (BEB) is used when
a. The packet transmitted by the node is lost
b. The packet is too big in size
c. Faster transmission is required
d. When CTS packet is not received by the sender
Answer a
The packet transmitted by the node is lost

11 .which of the statement is not valid for the floor cquisition Multiple access (F M ) protocols
a.It is based on a channel access discipline which consists of a carrier
sensing operation and collision avoidance dialog between the sender and
intended receiver of the packet
b.Carrier sensing by the sender followed by RTS- CTS packet exchange
,enables the protocol to perform as efficiently as M C in the presence
of hidden terminals , and as efficiently as CSM otherwise
c. t any given point of time ,control of the channel is assigned to only one
node and this node is guaranteed to transmit one or more data packets
to different destination without suffering from packet collision
d. ccording to the F M principle ,in order for data transmission to be
collision free ,the duration of an RTS must be at the most equal to the
maximum channel propagation delay
Answer d
ccording to the F M principle ,in order for data transmission to be
collision free ,the duration of an RTS must be at the most equal to the
maximum channel propagation delay

12.Which of the following statement is not valid for Busy Tone Multiple ccess (BTM ) protocol
a.BTM protocol is one of the earliest protocols proposed for overcoming
the hidden terminal problem in wireless environment
b.The transmission channel is split into data channel and control channel
c.When a node is ready for transmission it senses the channel whether the
busy tone is active or not
d.When a node is transmitting data ,at the most other nodes within the
transmission range of this node is not allowed to transmit.
Answer d
When a node is transmitting data ,at the most other nodes within the
transmission range of this node is not allowed to transmit.

13.Which of the statement is not valid for Dual Busy tone Multiple access (DBTM )Protocol
a.The transmission channel is divided into two data channel and control channel
b.The DBTM exhibits worse network utilization compared to M C and M C W
c.The control channel is used for control packet transmissions (RTS and CTS) and also for transmitting busy tones
d. The DBTM uses two busy tones on the control channel
Answer b
The DBTM exhibits worse network utilization compared to M C and M C W

14.For controlled protocol RI-DBTM the following statement is not correct
a. It can’t retransmit packet that suffer collisions
b. The nodes does have backlog buffers
c.When a node in back logged mode receives a packet from its higher
d.layers , the packet put into buffer and transmitted later
e. node is said to be in the backlogged mode if its backlogged buffer is nonempty
Answer a
It can’t retransmit packet that suffer collisions

15.Multiple access collision avoidance -by invitation (M C -BI) Protocol is an example for
a. Receiver initiated protocol
b. Sender initiated protocol
c. Synchronous protocol
d. synchronous protocol
Answer a
Receiver initiated protocol

16.which of the following statement about Medium access collision
voidance-by invitation(M C -BI) not correct M
a.The receiver node initiates data transmission by transmitting a ready to
receive (RTR) packet to the sender
b.Uses CTS packet to avoid the hidden terminal problem
c.The efficiency of M C –BI scheme is mainly depends on the ability of
the receiver node to predict accurately the arrival rates o traffic at the
sender nodes
d.The D T packets are modified to carry control information regarding
backlogged flows at the transmitter node, number of packets queued,
and packet length
Answer b
Uses CTS packet to avoid the hidden terminal problem

17.which of the following features are not part of The MC protocol that
uses directional antenna
a. Increase in the system throughput
b. Increase in signal interference
c. Increase in channel reuse
d. Increase in overall capacity of the channel
Answer b
Increase in signal interference

Module 2

1.Nodes must be scheduled in a distributed fashion for gaining access to the channel because 
a. There is no centralized coordinators
b. Nodes are not communicating with each other
c. Exposed terminal problem
d. Power level of the receiving data is very weak
Answer a
There is no centralized coordinators

2.Identify the network for which the following statement is most suitable. “ The bandwidth reservation requires complex medium access control protocols”
a. Cellular network
b. dhoc wireless network
c. Fixed line network
d. Bluetooth network
Answer b
dhoc wireless network

3.Identify the network with the following characteristics .” Fixed infrastructure based, single hop wireless links, guaranteed
bandwidth for voice based traffic, circuit switched ,seamless connectivity”
a. adhoc wireless network
b. Cellular network
c. Fixed land line network
d. Bluetooth network
Answer b
Cellular network

4.Which of the following network is using ISM band in the following networks
a. Fixed landline
b. Optical fiber network
c. Microwave network
d. dhoc wireless network
Answer d
dhoc wireless network

5.Identify the topic which is not a primary responsibility of M C protocol in dhoc wireless network
a.Distributed arbitration for the shared channel for transmission of packets
b. Time synchronization
c. Hidden and exposed terminal problem
d.It must converge to optimal routes once the network topology becomes stable. the convergence must be quick
Answer d
It must converge to optimal routes once the network topology becomes stable. the convergence must be quick

6.“M C – By Invitation “is an example for
a. Sender -initiated protocol
b. Receiver –initiated protocol
c. synchronous protocols
d. Synchronous protocol
Answer b
Receiver –initiated protocol

7.Multichannel protocols are example for
a. Contention based protocol
b. Contention based protocol with reservation mechanism
c. Contention based protocol with scheduling mechanism
d. Other M C protocol
Answer a
Contention based protocol

8.In M C which of the following packet avoids hidden terminal problem
a. CTS
b. RTS
c. D
d. DS
Answer a

9.In M C protocol, a neighboring node near sender which receives the RTS packet
a. Will not transmit till it receives data packet
b. Will transmit RTS-CTS packet as per the requirement
c.Will delay the transmission for long enough period so that sender could receive CTS packet
d. Will delay the transmission it receives CTS packet
Answer c
Will delay the transmission for long enough period so that sender could receive CTS packet

10 .In a M C protocol, a node near the receiver upon hearing the CTS packet
a.Will differs its transmission till the receiver receives the data packet
b.may initiates its data transmission process as per the requirement
c. Wait for the sender stops transmission
d. will send RTS packet to the transmitter
Answer a
Will differs its transmission till the receiver receives the data packet

11. The binary exponential back off algorithm (BEB) is used when
a. The packet transmitted by the node is lost
b. The packet is too big in size
c. Faster transmission is required
d. When CTS packet is not received by the sender
Answer a
The packet transmitted by the node is lost

12.which of the statement is not valid for the floor cquisition Multiple access (F M ) protocols
a.It is based on a channel access discipline which consists of a carrier sensing operation and collision avoidance dialog between
the sender and intended receiver of the packet
b.Carrier sensing by the sender followed by RTS- CTS packet exchange ,enables the protocol to perform as efficiently as M C
in the presence of hidden terminals , and as efficiently as CSM otherwise
c. t any given point of time ,control of the channel is assigned to
only one node and this node is guaranteed to transmit one or more data packets to different destination without suffering from packet collision
d. ccording to the F M principle ,in order for data transmission to be collision free ,the duration of an RTS must be at the most
equal to the maximum channel propagation delay
Answer d
ccording to the F M principle ,in order for data transmission to be collision free ,the duration of an RTS must be at the most
equal to the maximum channel propagation delay

13.Which of the following statement is not valid for Busy Tone Multiple ccess (BTM )protocol
a.BTM protocol is one of the earliest protocols proposed for
overcoming the hidden terminal problem in wireless environment
b.The transmission channel is split into data channel and control channel
c.When a node is ready for transmission it senses the channel whether the busy tone is active or not
d.When a node is transmitting data ,at the most other nodes within the transmission range of this node is not allowed to transmit. 1
Answer d
When a node is transmitting data ,at the most other nodes within the transmission range of this node is not allowed to transmit.

14.Which of the statement is not valid for Dual Busy tone Multiple
access (DBTM )Protocol
a.The transmission channel is divided into two data channel and control channel
b.The DBTM exhibits worse network utilization compared to M C and M C W
c.The control channel is used for control packet transmissions (RTS and CTS) and also for transmitting busy tones
d.The DBTM uses two busy tones on the control channel
Answer b
The DBTM exhibits worse network utilization compared to M C and M C W

15.For controlled protocol RI-DBTM the following statement is not correct
a. It can’t retransmit packet that suffer collisions 1
b. The nodes does have backlog buffers
c.When a node in back logged mode receives a packet from its higher layers , the packet put into buffer and transmitted later
d. node is said to be in the backlogged mode if its backlogged buffer is nonempty
Answer a
It can’t retransmit packet that suffer collisions

16.Multiple access collision avoidance -by invitation (M C -BI) Protocol is an example for
a. Receiver initiated protocol
b. Sender initiated protocol
c. Synchronous protocol
d. synchronous protocol
Answer a
Receiver initiated protocol

16.which of the following statement about Medium access collision voidance-by invitation(M C -BI) not correct
a.The receiver node initiates data transmission by transmitting a ready to receive (RTR) packet to the sender
b.Uses CTS packet to avoid the hidden terminal problem 1
c.The efficiency of M C –BI scheme is mainly depends on the ability of the receiver node to predict accurately the arrival rates o traffic at the sender nodes
d.The D T packets are modified to carry control information regarding backlogged flows at the transmitter node, number of packets queued, and packet length
Answer b
Uses CTS packet to avoid the hidden terminal problem

17.which of the following features are not part of The M C protocol that uses directional ntenna
a. Increase in the system throughput
b. Increase in signal interference
c. Increase in channel reuse
d. Increase in overall capacity of the channel
answer b
Increase in signal interference

Module 3

1.What type of routing protocols are used for inter-zone routing in ZRP?
a. Hybrid protocols are used for inter-zone routing in ZRP
b. Reactive protocols are used for inter-zone routing in ZRP
c.Proactive protocols and Reactive protocols are used for interzone routing in ZRP
d. Proactive protocols are used for inter-zone routing in ZRP
Answer b
Reactive protocols are used for inter-zone routing in ZRP

2.Given a node S with ZRP zone setting of d=2, which nodes included in the zone of S participate in the inter-zone routing and using what type of routing protocols?
a.Only the fixed nodes participate in the inter-zone routing using a reactive routing protocol for route discovery to the destination node.
b.Only the middle nodes participate in the inter-zone routing using a reactive routing protocol for route discovery to the destination node.
c.Only the border nodes participate in the inter-zone routing using a reactive routing protocol for route discovery to the destination node.
d.Only the BGP nodes participate in the inter-zone routing using a reactive routing protocol for route discovery to the destination node.
Answer c
Only the border nodes participate in the inter-zone routing using a reactive routing protocol for route discovery to the destination node.

3.How does Flooding differ from the route discovery phase used in other reactive routing protocols such as DSR and ODV?
a.Flooding involves unicasting of data packet P itself and every node in the network (other than the destination node) participates in the data packet forwarding process.
b.Flooding involves broadcasting of data packet P itself and every node in the network (other than the destination node) participates in the data packet forwarding process.
c.Flooding involves multicasting of data packet P itself and every node in the network (other than the destination node) participates in the data packet forwarding process.
d.Flooding involves Sening of data packet P itself and every node in the network (other than the destination node) participates in the data packet forwarding process.
Answer c
Flooding involves multicasting of data packet P itself and every node in the network (other than the destination node) participates in the data packet forwarding process.

4.Which routing algorithm used in NETs?
a. Shortest Path First
b. Routing Information Protocol
c. Distance Vector Protocol
d. d hoc On -demand Distance Vector Protocol
Answer d
d hoc On -demand Distance Vector Protocol

5.In ODV routing algorithm for NETs, the route is discovered at time
a. only when the network is established
b. in middle of the transmission
c. when there is a need for route by the host
d. when there is no need for route by the host
Answer b
when there is a need for route by the host

6. Challenge for routing protocol in ad-hoc networks.
a. Reliability
c. obility
d. vailability
d. Security
Answer c

7.When a group of nodes are required to contact, which type of the following routing is useful?
a. ulticast
b. Unicast
c. Broadcast
d. Forecast
Answer a

8.Hybrid Routing Protocol is a network routing protocol that combines
a.Proactive Routing protocol and on-demand routing protocol features.
b.Distance Vector Routing Protocol and Link state Routing Protocol features.
c.dhoc on-demand Routing Protocol and Link state Routing Protocol features.
d.Distance Vector Routing Protocol and Link state Routing Protocol features.
Answer b
Distance Vector Routing Protocol and Link state Routing Protocol features.

9. Proactive Routing protocol is——–
a. Distance Vector Routing Protocol
b. Link state Routing Protocol
c. table driven routing protocol.
d. on-demand routing protocol
Answer c
table driven routing protocol.

10. The Clusters in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to ………………
a. Clusters
b. Zones
c. Blocks
d. Cells
Answer b

11.If a router sends every incoming packet out only on those lines that are going approximately in the right direction is known as……………..
a. Random flooding
b. Static flooding
c. Selective flooding
d. Early flooding
Answer c
Selective flooding

12.Which of the following ad hoc protocol updates the topology dynamically (on-demand)?
a. Distance Vector protocol
b. Fisheye State Routing protocol
c.Dynamic Source Routing protocol
d. Destination Sequenced Distance Vector protocol
Answer a
Distance Vector protocol

13.In Dynamic Source Routing each source determines the route to be used in
a. transmitting its packets to selected destinations.
b. receiving its packets to selected destinations.
c. transmitting its packets to selected source.
d. receiving its packets to selected source.
Answer a
transmitting its packets to selected destinations.

14.n/ ……….routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic patterns on the network.
a. static routing
b. fixed alternative routing
c. standard routing
d. dynamic routing
Answer d
dynamic routing

15. protocol which report routing information only when there is a change in the topology of the network.
a. d-hoc On-demand Distance Vector
b. Distance-vectors Routing
c. Zone Routing Protocol
d. Dynamic Source Routing
Answer b
Distance-vectors Routing

16.DSDV is a table-driven routing scheme for ad hoc mobile networks based on
a. The Bellman-Ford algorithm.
b. Dijkstra lgorithm
c. Path vector
d. Link state
Answer a
The Bellman-Ford algorithm.

17. normal Flooding technique in anet is an example of ………………
a. ulticasting
b. Unicasting
c. Telecasting
d. Broadcasting
Answer d

18.What type of routing protocols are used for intra-zone routing in ZRP?
a. Proactive protocols are used for intra-zone routing in ZRP
b. Hybrid protocols are used for intra-zone routing in ZRP
c. Reactive protocols are used for intra-zone routing in ZRP
d.Proactive protocols and Reactive protocols are used for intrazone routing in ZRP
Answer a
Proactive protocols are used for intra-zone routing in ZRP

Module 4

1.____________ is sent to TCP-F sender, If the broken links rejoins or intermediate node obtains a new path to destination
a.A Route reestablishment notification (RRN)
b.A Route Failure Notification(RFN)
c.A explicit route disconnection notification (ERDN)
d.A explicit route successful notification packet (ERSN)
Answer a
Route reestablishment notification (RRN)

2. TCP-BUS is Abbreviated as________
a.A TCP with buffering capacity and sequence information
b.A TCP with buffering capability and sending information
c.A TCP with buffering capability and sequence information
d.A TCP with buffering capacity and sending information
Answer c
TCP with buffering capability and sequence information

3.TCP-BUS makes use of some of the special messages such as _______, defined as part of ABR for finding a partial path.
a.A DUR and ECN
b.A localized query (LQ) and REPLY
Answer b
localized query (LQ) and REPLY

4.In TCP_BUS,upon the detection of a path break, an intermediate node called the____
a.Pivot node (PN)
b.Failure node (FN)
c.Active node(N)
d. Distributing node(DN)
Answer c
Active node(N)

5. RTT is Abbreviated as________
a.A Round trip time
b.A Rest trip time
c.A Read track time
d.A Round track time
Answer b
Rest trip time

6. The aim of TCP-F is________
a.A minimize the throughput degradation resulting from path breaks.
b.A to treat path breaks independently from congestion situations.
c.A congestion control
d.A end-to-end reliability.
Answer a
minimize the throughput degradation resulting from path breaks

7.Which one of the option is false about following statement:-
According to TCP-ELFN an explicit link failure notification is used.
a.A When an intermediate node detects a link failure
b.A Once the TCP-ELFN sender receives the ELFN packet
c.A Being in standby state the TCP-ELFN sender
d.A Being in Connected state the TCP-ELFN sender
Answer d
Being in Connected state the TCP-ELFN sender

8. What is it goal of congestion control? 
a.A Making sure that subnet is not able to carry the offered traffic
b.A Making sure that subnet will allowmore than the offered packets
c.A Making sure that subnet is able to carry the offered traffic
d.A Making sure that subnet will not allow any traffic
Answer c
Making sure that subnet is able to carry the offered traffic

9. Time out determination policy is used in ………………….
a.A Network layer
b.A Data link layer
c.A Transport layer
d.A Application layer
Answer c
Transport layer

10.Congestion window reaches the receiver window (which is advertised by the TCP receiver and carries the information about the receiver’s buffer size), is called___
a.A slow-start
b.A congestion avoidance
c.A exponential start
d.A congestion detection
Answer b
congestion avoidance

11.The slow start phase of the TCP congestion control algorithm, the size of the congestion window_____
a.A does not increase
b.A increases linearly
c.A increases quadratically
d.A increases exponentially
Answer d
increases exponentially

12.TCP-F is Abbreviated as________
a.A TCP fact
b.A TCP feedback 1
c.A TCP field
d.A TCP flag
Answer b

13.In TCP-F,the intermediate node that originates the RFN packet is called the_____ M
a.A failure point (FP)
b.A failure node (FN)
c.A Active point(AP)
d.A Active node(AN)
Answer a
failure point (FP)

14.In TCP-ELFN, CWND = 1 causes No significant change, because –
a.A Optimal window is relatively small
b.A It is similar to No change
c.A Default value of RTO is small
d.A Optimal window is relatively large
Answer a
Optimal window is relatively small

15.When ATCP encounters 3 duplicate ACKs, it puts TCP in ______________.
a.A Active state
b.A Persist state
c.A Idle state
d.A Waiting state
Answer b
Persist state

Module 5

1.For Jamming attack targeted layer in the protocol stack is ? 
a. Physical and Mac layers
b. Network Layer
c. application Layer
d. Multi Layer
Answer a
Physical and Mac layers

2. For wormhole attack Targeted layer in the protocol stack is ? 
a. Physical and Mac layers
b. Network Layer
c. application Layer
d. Multi Layer
Answer b
Network Layer

3. For routing attack targeted layer in the protocol stack is: 
a. Physical and Mac layers
b. Network Layer
c. application Layer
d. Multi Layer
Answer b
Network Layer

4.For Denial of Service attack Targeted layer in the protocol stackis:
a. Physical and Mac layers
b. Network Layer
c. application Layer
d. Multi Layer
Answer d
Multi Layer

5. For Byzantine attack Targeted layer in the protocol stack is: M
a. Physical and Mac layers
b. Network Layer
c. application Layer
d. Multi Layer
Answer b
Network Layer

6. following is not a types of Spoofing : 
a. Email Spoofing
b. Website Spoofing
c. IP Spoofing
d. hit and Run DDOS
Answer d
hit and Run DDOS

7. Which is not data traffic attack? 
a. Blackhole attack
b. grayhole
c. jellifish
d. Rushing
Answer d

8. Which is the control traffic attack? 
a. Corporative blackhole
b. jellyfish
c. Dos attack
d. Man in the middle attack
Answer d
Man in the middle attack

9.Which one is the mitigation techniques in Blackmailing & Cooperative Blackmailing attack?
a. authenticated Routing protocol
b. Dynamic Trust based, Distributed IDs
c. Sybil ttack
d. Secure Neighbor Routing protocol
Answer b
Dynamic Trust based, Distributed IDs

10 . What is in mean by Man in Middle attack?
a.Its an active attack in which an attacker disguises itself as another node either by sending stolen beacon or generating such false beacons to register himself with a node as a neighbor.
b.This attack is manifests itslf by faking multiple nodes in the network.
c.In this attack, the attacker node creeps into a valid route and tries to sniff packets flowing through it. 1
d.In Cosmological term, connects two distant points in space via a shortcut route.
Answer c
In this attack, the attacker node creeps into a valid route and tries to sniff packets flowing through it.

11. Which one is the not a charatcteristics of d Hoc Network?
a. No fixed infrastructure
b. Dynamic changing topology
c. Energy-constrained
d. fixed infrastructure 1
Answer d
fixed infrastructure

12.The layer who protecting the ad hoc routing and forwarding protocols?
a. Transport Layer
b. application Layer
c. Link Layer
d. Network Layer 1
Answer d
Network Layer

13.The layer that protecting the wireless MC protocol and providing link-layer security support
a. Transport Layer
b. application Layer
c. Link Layer 1
d. Network Layer
Answer c
Link Layer

14.The layer that preventing signal jamming denial-of-service attacks?
a. Physical Layer 1
b. Network Layer
c. Link Layer
d. pplication Layer
Answer a
Physical Layer

15. IDSs stands for
a. Improve Detection System
b. Information Detection System
c. Intrusion Detection Systems 1
d. Intrusion Discovery Systems
Answer c
Intrusion Detection Systems

16. M NETS stands for
a. Mobile Adhoc Network 1
b. Man in middle Network
c. Mobility access Network
d. Minor attack Network
Answer a
Mobile Adhoc Network

Module 6

1._________gives out some of its self organizing behaviour to VANET?
b.Personal Area Network
c.Wireless Sensor Network
Answer a

2.Which one is not a characteristic of VANET? 
a.High Node Mobility
b.Active Road safety
c.Geographical Position
d.Mobility Model.
Answer b
Active Road safety

3.___________ which can be help for vehicles in providing the location information for routing purpose. M
a.Geographical Position System
b.Global Positioning System
c.Country Side
Answer b
Global Positioning System

4. Which one is VANETs application? 
a.Different QoS Requirement
b.No energy Constraint
c.Comfort and Information Applications
d.Mobility Model.
Answer c
Comfort and Information Applications

5. Routing Protocol in VANET is : 
a.Topology Based Routing Protocol
b.Interior Gateway Protocol
c.Distance Vector Protocol
d.Link State Protocol
Answer a
Topology Based Routing Protocol

6. Which is not challenging in VANET? 
a.Quality of Service
c.No energy Constraint
Answer c
No energy Constraint

7.____ hybrid simulator is used to achieve bidirectional coupled simulation in VANET. M
a.VEINS(Vehicle in Network Simulator)
Answer a
VEINS(Vehicle in Network Simulator)

8. VANETs are a key part of the _________ framework. M
a.Intelligent travel Systems
b.Intelligent transportation Systems
c.Information Transport Systems
d.Intelligent transport Secure
Answer b
Intelligent Transportation Systems

9. What is the full form of MANET? 
a.Metropolitan Area Network
b.Mobile Adhoc Network
c.Man in Middle Network
d.Mobile Access Network
Answer b
Mobile Adhoc Network

10.The standarization is not used for vehicular communication in VANET is M
b.IEEE 82.11p
c.IEE 83.33
Answer c
IEE 83.33

11. Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) was introduce in : 
Answer c

12.The frequency Band of Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is divided into _________ channels of 1MHz. 
Answer a

13.Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) supported vehicles speed upto ______ .

14.Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) supports data rate upto ___________
a.27 Mbps
b.25 Mbps
c.23 Mbps
d.22 Mbps
Answer a
27 Mbps

15.Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) supports transmission range upto ___________ 
a.1 m
b.125 m
c.13 m
d.15 m
Answer a
1 m

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